1). Function Block: It goes from F1 to F12 in three blocks of four: F1 to F4, F5 to F8 and F9 to F12. They work according to the program that is open. For example, in many programs by pressing the F1 key for help associated with that program.
2). Alphanumeric: Located in the bottom of the function block contains the Arabic numerals from 1 to 0 and the alphabet arranged like a typewriter, plus some special keys.
3). Special Block: Located to the right of the alphanumeric keyboard, contains some special keys like Print Screen, Scroll Lock, Pause, home, end, insert, delete, Page Up, Page Down, and the arrow keys for moving the insertion point in the four directions.
4). Num Lock: Located to the right of special block is activated by pressing the Num Lock key, contains Arabic numerals organized like a calculator in order to facilitate the fingering numbers. It also contains the signs of the four basic operations: addition +, subtraction -, multiplication * and division /; also contains a Return or Enter key.